Fatty Liver Disease Symptoms: 5 Signs Your Liver Is At Risk

Article By: THSC

Is your liver at risk? Look out for these signs and symptoms.

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, also known as NAFLD, is a metabolic disorder that leads to an unusual accumulation of fat inside the hepatic (liver) cells. According to the data, one in 3 adults in India is suffering from fatty liver disease. Experts have also warned that the numbers could go up in the upcoming days due to the lack of awareness and the increased rate of obesity in the country.

Speaking to TheHealthSite.com, a doctor said that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is closely connected to the issue of insulin resistance in the body. This health trouble can also lead to type 2 diabetes, which if not managed well on time, can actually lead to severe health complications that can majorly affect the nervous, renal and cardiovascular systems. One of the most severe forms of fatty liver disease, called NASH causes liver inflammation and can progress to cirrhosis and hepatic failure.

Some of the other health issues that fatty liver disease can cause are sleep apnea, extreme fatigue, reduction in cognitive abilities, etc. Below mentioned are some of the contributing factors to NAFLD.

Type-2 diabetes
Insulin resistance
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
High triglyceride levels
What Are The Symptoms of Fatty Liver Disease?
The condition can come with some tell-tale signs and symptoms. Here is a list of some of those signs that you should never ignore:

Abdominal pain
Loss of appetite
Unexplained weight loss.
Yellowish skin and whites of the eyes
Extreme fatigue
Swollen abdomen and legs
Fatty Liver Disease Symptoms on Skin And Eyes
Yes, you read that right. Fatty liver disease symptoms can also show up on your face, and timely detection of these signs can help in staying protected against any type of health complications.

Signs of Fatty Liver on The Face
A sudden change inside the liver can cause serious issues inside the organ. Due to the underlying metabolic derangement, some patients suffering from fatty liver disease can show changes that can appear on their faces. These signs include -- Puffiness of the eyes and dark circles, wrinkling around the eyes and corners of the mouth, and yellow discolouration of the eyes (if jaundice is pronounced) are some of the symptoms of fatty liver.

Acne Could Be A Sign Too
Another symptom of fatty liver disease that can appear on the face is redness boils or acne. Some of the other unusual signs can include -- unexplained thinning of facial hair especially eyebrows, redness and flushing of the cheeks, facial swelling, and developing or worsening of existing acne.

Spider Veins Are Dangerous
When your liver is at risk, you can spit spider veins on your face. This is a sign that only severe liver damage patients can spot.

How To Keep The Liver Healthy
One must realise that proper detoxification, and diet are important in order to keep the liver healthy and happy. Some of the other tips to keep the liver safe from suffering complications are:

Follow a simple and less oily/spicy diet
Drink a lot of fluid
Avoid smoking
Avoid consuming excessive alcohol
Add more green to your diet
Keep your weight under control
Manage your blood pressure levels
Exercise regularly


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