Features of the PeopleWith App.
An introduction to areas of the PeopleWith App and how it can help you monitor your health progression.

How are you feeling today? How does that compare with other days? Is your symptom improving or deteriorating?
Capture your symptom intensity, simply, every day with the PeopleWith symptom tracker. Create evidence on your symptoms to present to your health care professional, to illustrate an accurate
reflection of your health and enable them to determine if you are getting the best treatment outcomes.
PeopleWith enables you to record your Symptoms in real-time, so you can build a full picture of their progression overtime.
In addition to prescribed Medications you can also set up and record your Supplements & Vitamins to present evidence on their effects to your Health Care Professional.
Simple Reminders alert you daily when its time to take your Supplements. Your daily schedule shows the times and amount of each Supplement in an easy to understand format.
Been given a diagnosis? Capture & record your diagnosis and any additional diagnosis details in the PeopleWith App.
Health care professionals are being challenged daily with people presenting with more than one diagnosis. This is due to an increase in prevalence of people being diagnosed with more than one condition. Our health care providers need more evidence to support them in making the right treatment decisions for us all to get the best symptom control.
PeopleWith empowers and enables you to take control of your Health by putting you in the center. The PeopleWith App provides you with a platform to capture factual evidence to assist your Health Care Professional to make better informed treatment decisions through the understanding of your Symptoms, Medication, Supplements and so on.
Create your PeopleWith Profile and generate your PeopleWith Health Report on all aspects of your Health in a PDF format that you can easily share with your HCP.
Create your medication schedule, set reminders, and track your medication with ease. Add and update medication quickly as your treatment plan changes.
PeopleWith's 1 Tap approach to recording your Medication enables you to easily keep a record of when you have taken or not taken your Medication. The quick track feature means you can record your medications without leaving the dashboard.
Patient anonymity is absolute.
The personal information you supply within the PeopleWith App remains within the PeopleWith App and is utilised for the purpose of personalisation within the App.
Record your health care professionals details, create your appointments & set reminders. Capture notes and outcomes from your appointments to create a full picture of each interaction.